- We, the Sovereign People of Canada, declare our self independence.
- Land, Air and Water, all natural resources belongs to the Sovereign Nation and serves Sovereign interests
- Canada’s Land, Air and Water, becomes a sovereign entity by signing this permanent Declaration of Independence
Sovereign Oath
- I, promise to respect, defend and protect, the Land, Air, Water and natural resources
- I am taking this oath to be faithful and loyal to this sovereign country and to protect its national sovereignty, interest and integrity
- I promise to serve this oath as best that I humanly can; to protect our sovereignty, shared land and all that sustains it; while ensuring the best possible future for generations to come.
Every Sovereign have the following permanent and fundamental freedoms:
- freedom of conscience and religion;
- freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other accountable media of communication;
- freedom of education, freedom to travel
- freedom of health, medication
- freedom of financial independence
Every Sovereign have the fallowing permanent and fundamental rights:
- right to live
- right to defend
- right to live under a natural environment
- right to freely travel and reside
- right to be respected and represented
Every Sovereign have the fallowing permanent and fundamental obligations:
- nobody is above the law, or other being
- respecting everyone as equal
- defending and protecting Land, Air, Water and all natural resources.